速報APP / 健康塑身 / Sleep - Relax, meditate & sleep

Sleep - Relax, meditate & sleep



檔案大小:51 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Sleep - Relax, meditate & sleep(圖1)-速報App

You can't sleep? Do you need help to relax or to meditate?

Sleep is the solution, all you have to do is to download Sleep, select the sound and set the timer.

Sleep provides you with a variety of sounds, from soothing oceans to meditation bliss or raindrops that will calm yourself.

You can also select the amount of time you want the relaxing music to be played, after which the song will stop automatically, although you can also stop it on your own.

If you want a pleasant set of sounds that will help you calm down and remove all the thoughts from your mind, then Sleep is definitely the solution.

Because great nights lead to great days, don’t hesitate and download Sleep right away.

Sounds included:

· Lullaby Baby Song

Sleep - Relax, meditate & sleep(圖2)-速報App

· Meditation

. Mindfulness

· Yoga

· Beach

· Birds

· Cricket

· Forest

· Rain

Sleep - Relax, meditate & sleep(圖3)-速報App

· River

· Storm

· Waves

· Airplane

· Breath

· Clock

· Fireplace

· Heartbeat

Sleep - Relax, meditate & sleep(圖4)-速報App

Sleep by Qukio


Sleep - Relax, meditate & sleep(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad